For many years, the Lower Panemune manor was sunk into the oblivion of historical memory. Thanks to the research carried out in the last couple of years and the experienced specialists working on this object, its glorious history is being revived. The course of research revealed the extraordinary past of this manor and its historical and architectural significance for the history of the state of Lithuania. It can be assumed that the manor was founded on the site of a former Teutonic castle, archaeological findings date back to the 14th - 17th centuries, and from the 16th century. Lower Panemune belonged to the Sapiega family. It is the oldest manor in Šakiai district. The manor house is located on the high slope of the Nemunas bank, between the two mounds of Žemaios Panemunes. The manor palace is surrounded by a huge apple garden, after 650 old fruit trees bloom in the spring, the palace is drowned in a sea of white blossoms.

Currently, the Lower Panemune manor is not restored, but it is open to people interested in history. It organizes educational tours that encourage people to look back at history and preserve its memory for future generations. During the excursion, visitors are introduced to the history of the manor, walking in the ruins of the palace only with protective helmets, visiting the cellars of the manor.


The complex of fragments of the Lower Panemune manor homestead has been declared a State protected object.





Number of tourists

Price per person

Price per group

"Getting to know the Lower Panemune estate" (including a visit to the cellars of the estate and the ruins of the palace).

About 1 hour 30 minutes


15 EUR


Guided tours take place only on Saturdays at 12:30 p.m. or 2:30 p.m.

Advance registration is required. You can reserve the meeting time on the FB account of Žemaios Panemunes Manor - Žemaios Panemunes Manor or by phone.


Ekskursijos kaina senjorams ir neįgaliesiemsDvaro
2024-08-31 Pageidautina mažesnė dvaro lankymo kaina senjorams ir neįgaliesiems. Neįgaliajam ir lydinčiam asmeniui (savanoriui ar kitam asmeniui) turėtų būt taikomai viena, bendra, kaina (ne dviguba kaina). Tikimės supratimo.